Thursday, September 29, 2005

where were you when?

my intention is not for this journal to be a survey center, but i just haven't gotten the bug yet, i guess.
Where Was I...?
1 min ago- complaining to sam's club about it being two months since I ordered my mattress and eating a PB & J
1 day ago- exactly? eating from the fruit tray at kathy's pandora jewelry show
1 week ago-transfering mutant c.elegans to new culturing plates
1 month ago-spending the weekend in dallas with aaron
1 year ago-getting into the swing of my senior year, waiting tables at johnny carinos, planning aaron's birthday, making mcat plans
3 years ago- aw, just starting my sophomore year. my first apartment with dos katies at the centre, busy as a social bee... what great fun to be an underclassman, with little worries and lots of free time.
5 years ago-my senior year in high school. probably occupied with cheerleading, student countil, football games, and yearbook. i still thought baylor was in new york, and had yet to begun applying to colleges--but already steaming to get outta town.
7 years ago-probably the same as in previous....? in the 'old' high school. um sophomore year. just got a learner's permit...maybe reading julius caesar and working on a homecoming float...


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