give them a knight they'll remember.
I think I held off posting because I had nothing to post. I'm bad at beginnings.
Ok. the weekend.
The greatest-love-of-my-life turned over into his twenty-third year. Its a thrilling feeling to be so incredibly excited about someone else's birthday...its like i get two a year, rather than just one.
Aaron is quite a fan of all things medieval. He lies somewhere in between those renaissance festival geeks and maybe a monty python fan. I don't know if that's a good spectrum, i just wanted to clarify that he wasn't part of 'geek fest 03' (<--i have pictures if you don't understand what i mean). Anywho, so we decided to celebrate at Medieval Times in Dallas. They "transport you back to a time where chivalry still reigns, battles of the joust are still held, and you are treated as one of the noblest lords and ladies." I was not expecting to have so much fun...but, it was a blast! They have this medieval feast where your hands are your only utensils and you munch away barbarically on giant hens. They seat you in colored sections which corresponds to your "knight". We were rooting for the BLUE. They have a series of actual horses doing tricks, then they show off their knightly skills with a bunch of contests... our knight even threw me a flower when he won. :) and then the real tournament begins when the individual knights defend their honor to the king -- swordfighting and jousting... it really could be quite dangerous. They would use some scary weapons, and their swords would spark upon contact they swung them so hard! Anyway, so you are supposed to cheer for your team--- we yelled SO hard for blue, we ended up with hoarse voices and sore throats. the loud drunk hippie seated next to aaron helped with our volume. It was SO much fun. We even toured the medieval torture chamber... saw 'the breast ripper', the judas cradle (basically your butt is lowered slowly onto a blunt pyramid, slowly), the head crusher, and then one where they hang you upside-down, keeping your brain oxygenated so that you can feel everything that is happening to you...then they start to saw you in half between your legs)...ok, thats enough of those. it was one of those experiences where you shuddered and frowned every 30 seconds.
at the risk of having 'too-much' fun, we went and played miniature golf (quasi-legitimately tied) and then went out for drinks and cheesecake before heading back. ...and for those of you who like your book with a few pictures
We spent the next day at the zoo...if you haven't been since they added on the "brazos country" or something area, you should check it out. Its the best whole afternoon entertainment for $5 bucks.
I even played suzy-homemaker for an hour or two, and made him a 'birthday-pie'...his favorite is pecan-pie, sans pecans, so basically just a forkful of sugar. BUT, nonetheless, i got the recipe from this family and he seemed to enjoy it. He has really been getting into blues lately and mentioning records and whatnot, so I ordered him a vintage-"looking" record player (with the workings, thankfully, of a brand new one)...its in a leathery looking suitcase thing, with speakers included. I even threw in some B.B. King, Billie Holiday, and Al Hibbler albums. I told him I could just picture him waltzing around the apt with his eyes closed wearing a robe and smoking a cigar.
There's more, but I think I've been typing to long, and even I am starting to lose interest. I will pat myself on the back for the completion of memory exercise number one.
I'm off to Trae's, he's making me dinner. (aw)
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